Prototype date.20231103.19:33(JP)
New series

* Author: KURITA, Masakazu & KRASIUK, Dmitry
KRASIUK, Dmitry/ Administrator & Original idea
KURITA, Masakazu/ Producing & Layout
DANEAU, Sylvie/ Project advisor
COHEN, Steve/ Proofreading
KRASIUK, Dmitry/ Administrator & Original idea
KURITA, Masakazu/ Producing & Layout
DANEAU, Sylvie/ Project advisor
COHEN, Steve/ Proofreading
Our Ukrainian friend, Dmitry Krasiuk, said his idea;
"Ідея була в тім, що на одній планеті люди як одна команда на кораблі,
але постійно конкурують і сваряться як діти.
Я хотів показати творчих людей у дитинстві, бо ми усі "родом з дитинства."
"The idea was that people live on the same planet as a team on a ship,
but they are constantly competing and quarreling like children.
I wanted to show creative people in childhood
because we all come from childhood..."

Release AnnouncemenT
We, the "Tree of Life" project team, will soon be releasing a new series of "Tree of Life" stories on Behance, inspired and produced by the "Tree of Life" idea told by our Ukrainian friend Dmitry Krasiuk (full synopsis is available at the link).
Each episode will be released at 3-month intervals, making the entire new series a year-long project!
Scheduled Release Date
Episode 1: THE TREE OF LIFE (#BIRTH). 🍀January 14, 2024
Episode 2: THE BOOK OF ELDERS (#AWAKENING). 🍀April 14, 2024
Episode 3: CHILDHOOD (#CREATION). 🍀July 14, 2024
Episode 4: HAPPY LIFE (#HAPPINESS) 🍀October 14, 2024
Call For Works
For the "first episode" only, Dmitry would like participants to post "childhood pictures." For those participants who, for various reasons, do not wish to submit a "photo," they will also be able to choose "a portrait of the participant's childhood."
Except for the "first episode," please forgive us for making this a complicated topic, as it is abstract and philosophical, evoking the inner life, thoughts, and feelings of children. We, therefore, decided to set aside enough days before the release date of the new series to allow time for the production of the work and to call for participants before the release date.
We have decided to invite 30 participants for each episode.
Please see below for detailed "RECRUITMENT GUIDELINES."
Recruitment guidelines
Please review the following section (2. and 3.) and post in the "Comments" section of this article the "Episode" you wish to join and your willingness to participate.
If the maximum number of participants is not reached, invitations will be sent to the "Message" in your Behance profile in the order received.
🍀If you have received an invitation, please review the attached asset (Submission Guidelines.pdf) file for information on image sizes, file names, and how to submit your work.
Entries should conform to the rules outlined in the following section (3.)
Participants may submit up to three works for each "episode."
An explanatory text can accompany each work.
3. The theme & SUBMISSIONS of each episode
*<1>.Episode Theme <2>.Submissions
<1> #BIRTH: A scene where angelic children are born.
<2> Photographs of the participant's childhood (or portrait paintings or illustrations of the participant's childhood; however, the work must be drawn by the participant.) These photographs may include a photo of both parents (either a joint photo of the father, mother, and child, or taken separately, or of the grandparents or one of them, at the author's choice).
<2> Photographs of the participant's childhood (or portrait paintings or illustrations of the participant's childhood; however, the work must be drawn by the participant.) These photographs may include a photo of both parents (either a joint photo of the father, mother, and child, or taken separately, or of the grandparents or one of them, at the author's choice).
<1> #AWAKENING: A scene in which the Elder, carrying an old story from the village, ’Tree of Life,’ imparts wisdom to the children. The children learn about the magical old tree, the Tree of Life, and head for it.
<2> Photographs, paintings, and illustrations of the episode's thematic content.
<2> Photographs, paintings, and illustrations of the episode's thematic content.
<1> #CREATION: A scene where children work together to discover how to deliver their wishes to God and use magic incantation." Flowers, animals, bees, and other insects created by the "God of Heaven" as "friends" for the children are brought to life again by an enchantment.
<2> Photographs, paintings, and illustrations of the episode's thematic content.
<2> Photographs, paintings, and illustrations of the episode's thematic content.
<1> #HAPPINESS: A scene in which the villagers, now able to hear the insects' words, regain their liveliness and a future for their children. Flowers, birds, and insects laugh and sing, blessing the children.
<2> Photographs, paintings, and illustrations of the episode's thematic content.
<2> Photographs, paintings, and illustrations of the episode's thematic content.
The story begins with a scene in which God creates children; then scenes emerge that smack of the inner life of growing children, their changing thoughts and feelings, and in the final episode, the children narrate a scene in which they attain happiness. Each story episode is accompanied by a discreet hint of the project's theme, but the space between the narrative lines remains as blank as the mind of a newborn child.
Within the world of the story, children are full of creativity. They do not know how to get tired. They may run around in the fields, play with toys, fight mischievously, get scolded by their parents, and share snacks with their siblings and friends. They may build a secret base, roam the mountains and fields, and learn to sew and embroider from their parents. Some children may be friends with animals, insects, and flowers.
It is up to the participants to fill in the blanks in the story and bring happiness to the children of the magical village. Using the themes we have prepared for each episode as a basis, bring to life the incomplete story we have ready for you.
Lead the children's future to a happy ending.
We are very honored that you are interested in our new work.
We look forward to receiving your application.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Sincerely, the project team

Thank you for your interest

The Tree of Life project team
KRASIUK, Dmitry/ Administrator & Original idea
KURITA, Masakazu/ Producing & Layout
DANEAU, Sylvie/Project advisor
COHEN, Steve/Proofreading
KURITA, Masakazu/ Producing & Layout
DANEAU, Sylvie/Project advisor
COHEN, Steve/Proofreading